AWS Cloud Architecture

The cloud reinforces some old concepts of building highly scalable internet architectures and introduces some new concepts that entirely change the way applications are built and deployed. Hence, when you progress from concept to implementation, you might get the feeling that “Everything’s changed, yet nothing’s different.” The cloud changes several processes, patterns, practices, philosophies and reinforces some traditional service-oriented architectural principles that you have learnt as they are even more important than before.

  • Building scalable architectures
  • Understanding elasticity
  • Not fearing constraints
  • Virtual administration

Cloud Best Practices:

  • Design for failure and nothing will fail
  • Decouple components
  • Implement elasticity
  • Think parallel
  • Maintain high performance
  • Integrate security in application architecture
    • Protect your data in transit
    • Protect your data at rest
    • Protect your AWS credentials
    • Manage users and permissions with Amazon IAM
    • Secure your application

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